Banana Bread Ingredients


Banana Bread Ingredients

You likely already have all the ingredients you'll need for this banana bread recipe on hand. If not, here's what to add to your grocery list:

· Flour: All-purpose flour gives the banana bread structure.
· Baking soda: Baking soda acts as a leavener, which means it helps the banana bread rise.
· Salt: A pinch of salt enhances the overall flavor, but it won't make the loaf taste salty.
· Butter: A stick of butter lends richness, moisture, and irresistible flavor.
· Brown sugar: Brown sugar sweetens things up and adds a hint of warmth.
· Eggs: Eggs act as a binding agent, which means they hold the batter together.
· Bananas: Of course, you'll need bananas! Choose overripe bananas. 


loaf of Banana Banana Bread with butter
